Boris and the Mugwump
Yesterday, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson had his moment in the spotlight for being an ever-so-clever little wordsmith when, taking a phrase straight out of the Eton playground, he described Jeremy Corbyn as a mutton-headed old mugwump. A few things here 1: Nobody talks like that so be sure that this man isn't anything like you, me or the man in the street 2. Fool, clown or idiot would not have garnered such headlines so we can safely assume that this was an orchestrated plan. Who's managing their campaign? 3. It indicates quite clearly that the Tories have found a role for Boris in the upcoming campaign. Mud slinger and immoral spoilt boy who has no qualms about distracting the electorate from the fact that his boss, Theresa DicMayTor, and his party have no idea what to do right now. If ever I saw an obvious diversion tactic, this is it. Aside from being pathetic, childish, attention seeking, immature and any number of adolescent adjectives, ...